Such a simple and yet powerful natural anti-inflammatory

He knocks at the door, walks in to my office, and, barely capable of holding back his excitement and enthusiasm, says: “It’s amazing! The pain is completely gone! It’s just been six days since I started, and the pain is gone! I can’t believe it! It’s like a miracle!” I was very happy for him. “I’m glad to hear that”, I said, “and although it may seem like a miracle to you, it makes perfect sense to me. In fact, I would have been surprised if it hadn’t worked.”

About a month before that, we crossed paths in the bathroom. He was wearing a plastic and neoprene brace on one of his wrists. I had never seen him wearing it, and so I asked what had happened. He told me that about three years ago, he had injured his wrist and that it had never healed properly. Sometimes it hurt more, sometime less, but that it had been particularly uncomfortable for about a week, especially typing at the computer most of the day. He said physicians had prescribed anti-inflammatories of various kinds, and at different times, but none had helped in allowing the wrist to heal or making the uncomfortable pain and stiffness go away.

We hadn’t really talked much before that, him and I, and he said, rather jokingly: “Do you know what to do to help it heal?” To his surprise, I think, I said: “Of course I do!”, and then laughed, partly because it was a little funny to say that, but also to break the ice between us. This is what I then went on to say:

“Chronic pain like that, especially in or near a joint, is usually caused by the an excess of uric acid stored in the tissues. Uric acid is the primary metabolic waste excreted in the urine by the kidneys. Since most of us are deeply and chronically dehydrated, the blood becomes saturated with acid that cannot be eliminated in the urine because of the lack of water (and/or salt). But since blood pH cannot be allowed to drop, the acid is pulled out of the blood and stored in the tissues. Over time, all the tissues of the body become acidic. This makes us more susceptible to ailments and injuries of all kinds, and when something happens to cause damage to a soft tissue, like a sprain, for example, the injury does not heal, or takes an excessively long time to do so.”

“What do I need to do?”, he asked. “Do you drink water?”, “Very little: I have a small glass once in a while, with lunch, for example, but I hardly ever drink water, really.” “Well, you have a big part of your answer right here. You absolutely need to drink water. Otherwise, the kidneys cannot eliminate metabolic acids.”, I said.

“From now on, this is what you will do, every day: When you get up in the morning, drink half a litre of plain water. Thirty minutes before lunch, drink half a litre; and thirty minutes before supper, drink half a litre. That makes a total of one and a half litres of water, always on an empty stomach to ensure maximum hydration, and always about thirty minutes before meals to ensure good digestion.”

“Now, in addition to that, which is really the strict minimum amount of water anyone should drink, you will have to, and this is very important, drink one liter of water with the juice of two lemons, a teaspoon of unrefined sea salt, and a little bit of stevia to sweeten. You will do this either late morning, at least an hour before lunch, or late afternoon, at least one hour before supper. It is very important that you drink this lemon water on a completely empty stomach and wait about an hour before eating anything.”

“Doing this will hydrate the digestive system, the blood and the tissues; the lemon water with salt on an empty stomach will, in addition, alkalise the blood, and thus allow the tissues to release the stored acid back into the bloodstream; and these together will allow the kidneys to eliminate this accumulation of metabolic acid each time you pee. In a relatively short amount of time, your wrist will feel better, but everything else in the body will function a lot better as well. Inflammation is not localised; it is systemic. And to get rid of it, we need to get rid of it everywhere.”

“OK. I’ll do it.”, he said, “This is more water than I have ever drank in my life, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to actually drink that much, but I’ll try, and I’ll let you know.” One month later, exactly one week after he did start to drink more water and the lemon water with salt, the chronic pain he had in the wrist, the chronic pain he had had for about three years after the initial injury, the chronic pain for which he had been prescribed and taken a variety of different anti-inflammatory medications, and none of which had worked to help heal the injury, the chronic and long-standing pain was gone. It was completely gone, and it felt like a miracle to him; we can understand why.

I start every day with half a litre of plain water, at least. I usually drink a total of about one litre over the course of about 2 hours. About 1.5 hours later, around 10:00, I make myself a lemonade with one lemon, half a teaspoon of salt and a little stevia in a little more than half a litre (about 650 ml) of water. I drink it relatively quickly and then always rinse the mouth well with plain water in order to avoid any issue relating to the mild citric acid damaging the enamel of the teeth.

Then, I slowly drink my daily green juice over the course of about one hour. Around 12:00 I have another half litre of water, plain or with chlorella or evaporated green juice powder, salt and stevia. I eat around 14:00. For lunch I usually have my coconut milk pudding, but sometimes have a big green salad with some grilled fish at the canteen (once or twice a week).

After lunch, I wait at least two and usually three hours before drinking again, depending on what I ate, (high protein or not). I will usually have a good three quarters of a litre of plain water around 17:00. Then, around 18:00-18:30, I will prepare myself another lemonade with the juice of one lemon, half a teaspoon of unrefined salt and some stevia in a little over half a litre of water. I rinse the mouth with plain water, and usually leave work to ride back home on the bike. When I get there, I drink half a litre of plain water. We have supper about 30-45 minutes later. I usually don’t drink anything more after supper, except for a small glass before bed sometimes.

That’s it: lots of water, lots of salt, lots of lemon water, lots of green juices. A wonderfully simple, effective and powerful natural anti-inflammatory combination for you, your parents, your children, and everyone everywhere. I’ll be happy to hear from you if you want to share a personal story or experience that relates to this.

If you enjoyed reading this article, please click “Like” and share it on your social networks. This is the only way I can know you appreciated it.

31 thoughts on “Such a simple and yet powerful natural anti-inflammatory

    • Hi Pamela: Dinner is bigger, but it is true that I don’t eat that much in general. I eat just enough to fulfil my nutritional needs, but because I don’t eat carbs and mostly fat, I’m very rarely hungry. If on some days I feel a little hungry, like the day after a 3 hour bike ride or a intense workout in the gym, then I eat more. But overweight does not really have to do with calories consumed. It has everything to do with hormonal control, and the health and balance of the entire hormonal system hinges on insulin: if it is high, then everything is screwed up; when it is low, everything works perfectly well. Of course, there are other elements, like adrenal and thyroid function, but these usually come in second place, a far second. Have you been following the advice I give in this blog and have remained overweight? I find this quite surprising. Please tell me more if you wish.


  1. I attempted this, but unfortunately, the more I drink, the more I develop dependent pitting edema, causing my pain and inflammation to soar. Restricting my water actually helps me. And green juice makes my hypoglycemia horrible. It’s frustrating to say the least. Found out too that I react to coconut. So, Idk what to do anymore.


    • Hi Stacy. As you well know, your situation and condition are very particular. Are you taking L-Carnosine, for example, to help the healing of the gut? I don’t see any way that the green juice can “make your hypoglycaemia horrible”. Hypoglycemia is low blood sugar. For anyone who does not consume sugar and starch, and is thus well keto-adpated (which I thought was your case now), this is a total non-issue because the metabolism runs on fat, and the liver adjusts the levels of sugar as needed. In addition, green juice contains very little sugar and therefore does not trigger an insulin spike that could then lead to a lowering of blood sugar that could be felt as hypoglycaemia. So, there’s something not quite right here.


  2. What a remarkable story! I wonder how many people plagued with all the various forms of inflammations who fill up physicians’ waiting rooms every single day could help or even heal themselves in this simple way. It is a pity that our bodies do not signal dehydration earlier than through the appearance of thirst. As a result we are all chronically de-hydrated as Guillaume explained in an earlier blog. If have two cases in my family where I suspect that arthritis-like pain in joints, stiffness, and frequent headaches are also simply caused by not drinking enough. The most obvious things are often the ones overlooked first and this is a classical example. Thanks for the good article Guillaume!


    • Thank you Uwe. And thanks a lot for sharing. I appreciate it, and I’m sure many others will as well. The point you raise in your comment about overlooking the most obvious is really at the core of what I’m trying to do with this blog: to focus on the most fundamental and most important things first, both in terms of understanding and in terms of application in our everyday. I know you’ve already picked up on that, though.


  3. Dear Guillaume,

    I have hurt my elbow playing table tennis (“tennis-elbow”?), and for about a week now it hurts from the elbow and down along the arm on the side facing outwards. Espcially when I do movements like for instance hoovering the floors. I have followed your advice, drinking 1 liter of lemon/salt-water on an empty stomach once a day, since the incident (and in general drinking lots of water and green juices), but it still doesn’t feel much better. Am I just too impatient, or is there something additional I can/should do? And does it make sense to do the treatment twice a day?

    Thank you

    PS: I am 51 years old, and after many years of searching for “the right eating/drinking formulas”, having arrived at your blog, I finally feel things start coming together. It is more than a month now I have followed your recommendations, not eating sugar or starches, and I am much looking forward to seeing where this new path will take me. I am actually out of words for how helpful (and interesting) it is what you are doing here. Thank you.


    • Dear Steffen,

      Thanks for writing, and thanks for expressing your appreciation for this blog.

      The main difference is that you have a fresh injury, while he had an old injury. Naturally, maximising elimination of acid and alkalising the tissues is fundamentally important; it is always fundamentally important. However, one: yes indeed, you have to be somewhat more patient; and two: in addition, you have to provide extra support for healing and repairing the injured tissues, and you can do this with supplements.

      More specifically, I would recommend four supplements: enzymes complex (Heal-n-Soothe), collagen complex (Super Joint Support), Vitamin C (Mercola Liposomal C) and Vitamin B3 (Source Naturals Niacinimide). Three times each day (upon waking, at lunchtime and in the late afternoon), take 3 caps of enzymes, 3 caps of collagen complex, 2 caps of Vitamin C, and 2 caps of B3. This will super boost the healing.


  4. Thanks.

    The 4 links are all connected to addresses in the US. Do you know if it is possible to order the products from somewhere in Europe too (if possible in one place) to speed up delivery?

    I was thinking, how important is “rest” for the healing process, cause it’s difficult not to use the right hand/arm at all. Is it imperative not to do anything that causes pain, meaning I should start getting used to only using the left arm till the pain has disappeared, or is it mostly about “time” (.. and the supplements..)?


    • Yes, they are from the US. You can only order the first two from the Healthy Back Institute directly, and the other two can be ordered from iHerb. This mean 2 orders for the 4 supplements. (Reading the info on those pages is also very informative.) And yes, the ideal is to do as little as possible with the injured arm to allow the tissues to heal, because every strain, as small as it is, will slow down healing by causing new micro injuries. The worst is to try to “work throuhg” an injury. This inevitably makes it worse and more lengthy to heal (sometimes remarkably longer). So, just let it heal. The supplements will help a great deal, but it needs time and rest.


  5. Thanks again. The Super Joint Support is reported sold out right now (or are there other places to buy it?), and even though it seems like a very interesting supplement from the description, how important do you consider it to be for the healing of the arm, as long as I take the other three supplements you recommended (incl. Heal-n-Soothe)?


    • Healing soft tissue is healing soft tissue, no matter what or where that tissue is. Enzymes are worker proteins that do stuff, the repairing business. The other supplements, including the super joint complex, are to provide the building blocks. You don’t need to take anything, and it will probably heal in time. It just might be longer than you would like. Naturally, taking any of these supplements will without a doubt help a great deal. More of them will help more, that’s all.


  6. Right. Finally and not related to the arm-thing:
    1) About salt, what you write does this mean that we don’t have to worry at all about getting too much salt? Is excess salt automatically transported out of the body (before it can do any harm)?
    2) When you recommend eating not more than 0.75-1 g protein per kilo body weight per day, and ca. 70% of fish/meat is water (as you write), does this mean that a person like myself who weighs ca. 80 kg should eat around 250 g meat/fish/day if this was the only protein source?


    • 1) Yes, as long as you drink plenty. In fact, the kidneys need excess salt in order to efficiently eliminate acid in the urine. So, you need to drink lots and eat lots of salt in order to have excess and in order to eliminate acid efficiently. Obviously, it is bad to eat lots of salt and not drink. But this is not what we are considering here.

      2) It depends on body fat. Remember it is 0.75-1 g/kg of lean body mass (that’s without the fat mass). For 80 kg with 15-20% fat equals 12-16 kg of fat. The difference is 64-68 kg of lean mass. This means protein needs range between 48 (0.75 g for 64) to 68 (1 g for 68) g of protein per day. There is about 15 g of protein and 15 g of fat for 100 g of fresh fish or meat. So, to get 48-68 g from this source we need a total of 300-400 g, keeping in mind that you cannot use more than about 20-30 g per meal, so you need to split it in two servings.


  7. Thank you, Guillaume, for yet another useful reply. So if we can basically have as much water, salt, vitamins, minerals (because the body excretes whatever is too much) and fat (when this becomes our main ‘fuel’), as long as we make sure to get enough, is the only thing we have to be aware of, not over-eating on then, the proteins (to minimize the toxidity in the body)? Is it the proteins and not the calories we ought to be ‘counting’? .. :-)


    • Hi Steffen. I’m glad you raised the questions, because I was a little worried my last replied would be misinterpreted. In general, what I do and recommend is to focus on 1) eliminating all the disease-causing foods (and additives); 2) maximising mineral, vitamin, enzyme and phytonutrient rich foods (including supplements); 3) maximising intake of fats from coconut, nuts and seeds, clean fish and animal sources; 4) having just enough protein for the body’s needs, which depend on lean body mass, age, level and type of physical activity, and finally; 5) keep a very close eye on the daily hydration, cleansing and elimination cycle by monitoring the quantity and smell of sweat and urine, and the smell and consistency of stools. If you follow these principles, you don’t need to count anything at all, and you’ll be perfect, with the caveat that you must ensure that there are no deficiencies present through complete blood analysis once a year or so.


  8. I am a blood-donor, giving blood 3-4 times a year, and shortly I will be going again. I wonder if it might be possible to ask at the hospital to have them include the extra tests in their standard blood-test – if they do that – maybe using ”a change in my diet” as the ´excuse´ (they always test the blood and send a ‘blood-report’ after each donation).
    1) If so, what tests exactly would you recommend that I ask them to do?

    I have now followed your blog and the advice you give for about 5-6 weeks, as much to the point as it has been practically feasible (including B12-spray for about 1 1/2 weeks and magnesium which I have been taking daily for about 3 years), and about the first week after I started, I almost immediately felt an increase in performance when doing sports. The last 1-2 weeks, however, it is as if I have lost this energy/stamina again, having even less now than before I started out.
    2) Is it possible that this a natural consequence of ´the transition to full ketosis´, that till the body learns to fuel itself entirely from fat, it will still be looking for sugar/carbs, and when they are not to be found, the energy goes down? I practically haven’t touched sugar or starches at all since I started (coming from ´a traditional Italian starchy/sugary diet´), so the reserves probably are very low by now. Could this be the body´s scream for glucose? (which I assume the body cannot make from fat). And if so, is the solution then to simply ´sweat it out´?


  9. Hi Guillaume, maybe you don’t have to answer question 2.
    This morning I was up around 05.00, had the green juice around 9.30 (finishing it at around 11.00), some nuts and chia seeds for lunch and one kiwi in the afternoon while I was doing a ca. 1 ½ hour walk. As I at ca. 19.30 still didn’t feel any hunger, I decided to go for a bike-ride in the quite hilly area where I live, and after now having done ca. 10 km ‘sprint’, I feel very well. Not particularly tired, still not hungry and even sweating less than norma, despite the warm weather we have right now. So if this is because of ‘ketosis kicking in’ then to be quite honest, I must admit, I like it very much .. :-)


    • That’s great! Indeed, these are some of the amazing wonders of ketosis! Studies on athletes indicate that it takes 8 weeks for full keto-adaptation, but you are already pretty much done it sounds like. The only downside, is that because we tend not to get hungry, you have to make sure you eat enough to compensate for the calories you use. For now, you probably still have good fat reserves, but when you get down to about 8% like me, you’ll have to be careful. Typically, it can happen that you don’t really eat anything all day, after the green juice, of course, and function perfectly well, but around 17 or 18, you start to feel really sleepy and low on energy. This happens to me sometimes, just because if your busy doing all sorts of things (either physically or intellectually), and you are not really hungry, you just forget to eat. On the other hand, you can also super easily do long fasts with any problems, anxiety or discomfort. For example if you do a long plane trip with multiple connections, because there is rarely any good food to be had on planes and in airports, you can just fast for however long it is without any issues whatsoever. I usually take things like cucumbers, celery, red peppers, and nuts for plane trips. I also always take my unrefined salt wherever I go, in the amount needed for the length of the trip. And this relates to an important point I wanted to make after reading your comment/questions from yesterday: You need to eat more salt throughout the day because burning fat causes increased excretion of salt through the urine. If you have a salty lemonade in the morning, and one in the afternoon, together with some salt with a small lunch or veggies, and again with supper, then you should be fine. On average, you should be having at least 2 full teaspoons per day, with the 3-4 litres or water/lemon water/green juice. Anyway, from what you’re saying, it sounds like you are well on your way to optimal metabolic function! It feels just great, doesn’t it? Congratulations: few actually make it there because it is just so hard for people to give up their carbs and do the switch to this radically different way of eating and drinking. You’ll see that it stays like this, and some things keep getting better with time.


  10. Thank you for the uplifting words. I appreciate that. Not least because I am doing this on my own and sometimes really feel ´alone´ in the process. In the morning I am doing green juice, though, also for Beatrice, my girlfriend, and she likes it, but she prefers to stick to the carbs too. Something I can fully understand given that she hasn’t (yet) felt inspired to read your blog.
    When you write that ‘this is difficult for most because they don’t want to give up the carbs’, to me the most difficult thing actually is – has been, cause it is getting easier – handling the skepticism and critics. And not only from people cooking for me sometimes, but also from some just eating together with me. This path really makes you stand out from practically everybody, which maybe should not have been that big a surprise, given that most have some kind of opinion on how to eat/drink ´correctly´, but it has surprised me how harsh reactions one is sometimes confronted with. So it is nice to start feeling the benefits of the diet coming through.. and that some else than myself (and Uros´ who got me started) can appreciate and understand the idea of what is going on. Thanks again.

    About the ‘it stays like this’. I am going to Denmark (I am Danish but living by Trieste in Italy) on the 22nd, and I actually have been worrying a bit, how it will be staying up there for a while without my juicer, at the mercy of “traditional Danish cooks” (just kidding .. :-) ..). But I am sure it will be ok .. or I will just eat nothing, as you suggest (great, new option btw).

    Anyway, I am already much aware of the salt, probably eating about 3 teaspoons a day, and I was actually thinking of bringing some along for the travel. I furthermore try to use any opportunity to get all the fat I can to keep up my weight, which I have managed pretty well until now. I assume (but is it true?) that I can’t exaggerate on that account anymore.

    About the PDF-file. Great and thanks! I am actually planning on going to the hospital tomorrow morning, so this would be very helpful.


    • You’re welcome. The fact is that it is indeed radically different than the norm, and people get very intense about food, especially when they feel their choices (or non-choices) are being put into question or demeaned by someone else. People immediately get very defensive because they feel indirectly attacked. But, there’s no way around that. If you want to be in perfect health from now until the end of your life, there is only you that can make this happen. And this should be strong enough a motivation to do what needs to be done, no matter what everyone else is saying or doing. But look around: diabetes, cancer, heart attacks, strokes, Alzheimner’s, arthritis, kidney, liver and pancreas disease, all without exception are soaring up and rising continuously, year after year. Isn’t this enough to show not just us but everyone that there is something terribly wrong with what we are doing and how we are taking care of ourselves? The thing that I find amazing in all of this, is that, as I try to convey as best I can in this blog, we already understand and know enough to live in perfect health from birth to death, and live long, happy, energetic, productive and inspired lives free of ailments and diseases. What is rare however is to find those who understand these things and put the element together in a consistent picture that explains why things are the way they are, and what we have to do in order to attain and maintain optimal health. This is what I strive to do. So, just be confident that you know what’s what, and let everyone say what they say without being offended or aggressive towards them. And one last thing: when you feel ready to do that, maybe in a few more weeks (or months), please find the time to share your personal experience of this radical shift towards optimal health in the testimonials page. I find personal stories are always very inspiring for those people sitting on the fence who need that little bit of extra confidence and encouragement to make the jump.


  11. Hi Guillaume, I agree on what you write, and I hope one day (soon) many more will start believing that such a thing as ‘optimal health’ is actually something achievable no matter age or background.

    It would be my pleasure to do a testimony a little later, when I am a bit more ‘consolidated’ however. I still have a bit the feeling of being in the middle of the process, of ‘learning’, but I agree that the personal stories are important when starting out on something as long-termed and ‘radical’ as this.

    About the blood-test. I found the tests you recommend to do, so I wrote them down and showed them in the hospital. They actually do about half of them as standard after each blood-donation, and the only tests the medic in charge didn’t recognize were “HCY” and “Angiotensin”. I don’t know how important they are.

    For lunch today, while eating among others salmon with eggs and some mozzarella in the salat, Beatrice asked me a question I promised to pass on to you. She has read once that it is not a good idea to mix different types of protein at the same meal, but I don’t know if this is something you have some insights on too.


    • Hi Steffen: Hcy is Homocysteine, one of the most notorious inflammatory agents which is the breakdown product of the metabolism of certain proteins, and that requires B6 and B12 to be recycled into a benign form. Angiotensin is a hormone that makes the blood vessels contract. You should read my two articles on kidney function for this one.
      About the proteins, I admit that I haven’t studied this in detail. One thing is for sure, proteins can be very different in nature, and this should be obvious by considering that green lettuces are about 50% protein by weight, but that the result in the digestive system of eating green lettuce is completely than eating smoked salmon, for example. All protein-rich foods have their own make up of amino acids and their different effects on the digestive system. They also require different conditions and enzymes to be broken down and digested. In general, though, I think it is definitely safer to restrict mixing. Keep it as simple as possible. When I do read up on these things, I’ll write something more complete.


  12. I’m searching for ways to decrease my eye pressure to avoid prescription glaucoma eye drops. My IOP spiked from 22 to 34; after microcurrent, exercise, and cranial sacral massage my IOP was 29; after using different eye drops for sensitive eyes when testing my IOP, it was 24 – it should be under 20. My eye ducts are structurally sound. I have no optic nerve damage, so my University of Michigan ophthalmologist advises that technically I don’t have glaucoma. Otherwise, I’m in good health at the age of 60. I’m on a 6-month IOP recheck. Her treatment plan does not include nutrition.

    First, I found this posting that correlates low blood pressure (which I have) to glaucoma:

    Then, I found your posts. I’m following your hydration recommendations in “Such a simple and yet powerful natural anti-inflammatory” to correct my blood pressure. I’ve also replaced most dairy, starches and sugar with green drinks, meats, and low glycemic vegetables.

    You recommend magnesium (I read it’s good for lowering IOP) and I’m still looking for a pure food grade form of magnesium flakes.

    You also recommend B-12 (I read it’s very good for lowering IOP because of it’s role with melatonin). I’m thinking I should purchase Active B12 Dibencozide 3000 mcg lozenges, because I read:

    “In individuals with Mercury toxicity, known or frequently unknown, it turns out that methylcobalamin is the substance responsible for methylating metallic mercury, making it about 1000 times more toxic. For that reason, I suggest Dibencozide, the mitochondrial form of the active coenzyme, as a first line therapy.”

    This is one of many sites leading me to believe many of us suffer from mercury poisoning:
    (I have two mercury amalgam dental filings, had one replaced improperly, and ate tuna for many years.)

    My questions are:
    – Do you think mercury poisoning is affecting so many of us that we should properly remove amalgam filings and then detox?
    – Should we stay away from B-12 in the form of Methylcobalamin and only use Dibencozide?
    – What manufacturer of food grade magnesium flakes do you trust for purity?

    Thank you!


    • Dear Dotty: I appreciate the confidence you entrust me with in sharing your concerns and questions on the blog. Traditional medicine looks at the multitude of parts of the body as a collection of independent things that interact to a greater or lesser extent. Integrative or holistic or naturopathic or nutritional medicine recognises that the organism is a whole where everything is intimately related to everything else. In your case, there is an apparent issue with the eyes. However, I would like to urge you to not focus on the eyes, but rather look at everything, starting from the intestines and blood. I encourage you to follow the same recommendations I gave earlier today to Nadia in this comment on the post entitled Detoxification, including the thorough blood test. Your eyes will inevitably get better and start to heal. The only additional supplement I would recommend for you and your eyes is Astaxanthin (Bioastin), 24 mg (2 x 12 mg) per day. Please keep me posted on your progress.


  13. So far in your day you seem to have a very low protein intake? I am wondering what your dinners consist of? Do you ever eat fruit? And finally …if we are eating more like this…how would adjust this for children? They love fruit…and eat a ton of it. Can children tolerate more?


    • Hi Jennifer,

      We typically have a creamed vegetable soup: e.g., broccoli, cauliflower, celery, made with coconut oil for the onions, garlic and spices, and then a can of coconut milk at the end when blending; always have a big leafy green salad with some seeds and/or nuts (sprouted); and grass fed meat or wild fish every other day or so (about 3-4 times per week). Our son eats exactly as we do and has been doing so for as long as we have, which is about 7 years now. The only difference is that we give him low-sugar fruits like kiwis or half a Granny Smith apple as an afternoon snack, and not every day. The only fruit that we eat regularly are berries, mostly in coconut milk smoothies, puddings or ice cream. But berries are so low in sugar and so high in anti-oxodants that you can have them as often as you want; it’s just that they are a little expensive, especially during most of the year when they are out of season in most places in the world.

      Having a lot of fruit is almost as bad as drinking fruit juice and soft drinks because the total intake of fructose/glucose is high, and this starts to damage the liver and pancreas, as well as increase insulin resistance and accelerate ageing and glycation from high glucose concentration in the blood. The clearest example is to try for oneself or just read about people switching to a fruitarian diet, and monitor what happens with glucose, insulin, triglycerides and with the kidneys, pancreas and liver. (Truth be told, I don’t recommend trying this because the effects are deleterious.) Children can generally always tolerate more carbohydrates than adults because they are usually more active, and because insulin resistance and the negative metabolic effects that come with it grow in time always from less to more. These days, however, there are tons of children who are pudgy and overweight, diabetic or pre-diabetic, simply because they basically live on sugar from their birth. This is, of course, horrendous.

      As you already know, I strongly recommend eliminating simple sugars, starches and dairy universally for everyone, and in fact, I think it is most important to do for our children, during pregnancy and throughout their lives under our care, in order to help them grow and develop as healthy as possible, and ingrain good habits for the rest of their life.


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